
This series is made up of bound volumes of handwritten death records registered between 1786 and 1931 in the parish of Nossa Senhora dos Milagres in Cariri de Fora/São João do Cariri. Includes death records for men, women, adolescents, newborns, and children; free, enslaved, and Indians; children born to two parents or only to a mother; considered white, black, "parda", and "crioula"; and hailing from the parish of Nossa Senhora dos Milagres and other regions. Some were buried in black and white linens, with or without Church sacrament. Burials took place at the main church, in chapels, and in cemeteries. Sacraments were administered by Vicar Joze de Souza Magalhães, Francisco Ananias de Farias Castro, Alipio Emiliano Cordeiro da Costa, Manoel Christovam Ribeiro Ventura, Fray Henrique Fernandes D'Oliveira, Joaquim Theophilo Agra da Silva, and Father Theodomiro de Queiróz.

Volumes produced by the Parish Church of Nossa Senhora dos Milagres de São João do Cariri.