kampaLaar (village heads) agreement

This palm-leaf manuscript is an agreement between immuTi kanhaka raamaiya kavuNTar and pazangkaanattam vaNTiyuur kampaLam, vaTaciimai kampaLam revuNTu son of kaTTa muttanh, kaNakkiya kavuNTanh of tippanhpaTTi village, kampalattaars of ther localities of veLLiyangkunhRam, kaLLaveli paTi, kaLLantiri, aamantuur, caattampaaTi and meela meeTTuppaTTi and other surrounding villages regarding the date and time to discuss issues and disputes pertaining to the respective villages. It also contains a few small strips of paper documents which are found in between the palmleaves written by the document owner describing briefly the topic of the palmleaves.

Physical characteristics/Extent and format of original material: Palmyra leaf (borassus flabellifer); varying sizes: height 4cm, width 52cm to height 3 cm, width 43cm; few palm-leaves are broken and few have sideline perforation. 8 handwritten palm-leaf documents (12 palm-leaves).

Creation dates of original material (Gregorian and/or Tamil calendar): pingkala/vaikaaci/21, kara/pangkunhi/28, piramaatiica/kaarttikai/05.