Servitude agreement

This palm-leaf manuscript contains a servitude (aTimai) agreement beween immuTi kanhaka kavuNTanh of veLLiyangkunhRam and tooTTi karaTi and his brother tavaci of maattuur village and caattuurappanh, son of iruLappanh maNiyakaaranh of caattuur village; servitude (aTimai) agreement beween koovilaa kavuNTanh and parai neyivanh and piccai vaangki and others of puuNTi village. It also contains a few small strips of paper documents which are found in between the palmleaves written by the document owner describing briefly the topic of the palmleaves.

Physical characteristics/Extent and format of original material: Palmyra leaf (borassus flabellifer); varying sizes; height 4cm, width 53cm to height 3cm, width 23cm; sideline perforation; few palm-leaves were broken. 21 handwritten palm-leaf documents (25 palm-leaves).

Creation dates of original material (Gregorian and/or Tamil calendar): iicuvara/aavanhi/17, accaya/kaarttikai/04, pava/aavaNi/04, pingkaLa/pangkunhi/19.