Sampacho Córdoba R. Arg [1930s-1950s]

Description: This handmade envelope contains photos and newspapers’ and magazines’ articles and clippings that inform us about the locality of Sampacho in the Argentine province of Córdoba. It was founded in 1875. Before, it was inhabited by various indigenous populations. Its name means in quechua “a weak place” due to its seismic activity and the abundant sandy hills. Before the 19th century, two forts were built and then destroyed by the Native-American ranqueles who lived there and were invaded. But it was again founded in 1875 when a hundred Italian families arrived sent by the government to colonise the land, spreading cattle breeding and cultivation. Later on other immigrants came from Austria, France and Spain. In 1934, a local earthquake partially destroyed Sampacho. Extent of original: Handmade envelope . Condition of original: Regular to bad condition.