Óbitos de Escravos, forros e livres, 1867-1882

The volume records slave, freed (forro/liberto), and free burials registered in the Church of Nossa Senhora da Assunção de Cabo Frio, RJ, dating from 14 Dec 1867 to 04 Jan 1882. The opening and closing charters were signed on 31 Mar 1867 by Constantino José Gonçalves, while entries were signed by Pastor José Francisco Marques. Some of the burials took place in the convent of Nossa Senhora dos Anjos and Parish of the Sacra Familia da Barra de São João. In some entries, the cause of death was also recorded. Physical characteristics: The volume consists of 200 numbered folios and a cover. It is well conserved on the whole, showing just a few signs of insect damage on some pages. Dimensions: 41 cm X 30 cm. Owner(s) of original material: Arquivo da Cúria Metropolitana de Niterói.