Óbitos de Forros e Livres, 1870-1892

The volume records burials of freed (forro/liberto) and free individuals registered in the Church of São Sebastião de Itaipu, Niterói-RJ.Burial records date from 05 Nov 1870 through 19 Dec 1892, with the exception of one burial dated 23 Apr 1931. The opening and closing charters were dated posterioraly and were both signed on 27 Nov 1938 by Vicar Father Francisco Arlotti, who also initialed the folios. All entries were signed by Vicar José de Castro e Silva. Entries document the burial of children (inocentes), individuals abandoned in the Santa Casa de Misericórdia, some of which included an identification number, and a French individual. The cause of death was frequently recorded. Enterments took place in the cemetery of the Matriz of São Sebastião de Itaipu and, in some cases, in the cemetery of the Chapel of Nossa Senhora da Conceição, identified as an affiliate parish. Among the burial records is an entry concerning a "preta livre" (free black woman) aggregated to one Captain João Machado Nunes. African "nations" and ethnonyms mentioned: Moçambique (Mozambique), Cassange (Kasanze), Benguella (Benguela), Congo, Angola, and Rebollo (Rebolo). Physical characteristics: The volume consists of 151 numbered, sequential folios. The volume has retained its original cover, although some folios have partially separated from the binding. Dimensions: 33cm x 22.5cm. Owner(s) of original material: Arquivo da Cúria Metropolitana de Niterói.