Batismos de Escravos, Forros, Livres e Índios, 1870-1878

This volume contains baptismal records of enslaved, freed (forro), free, and indigenous people registered in the Church of São Pedro da Aldeia, São Pedro da Aldeia-RJ. Entries date from 18 Dec 1870 to 07 Feb 1878. There are no opening or closing charters. Entries were signed by Vicar Manoel Martins Teixeira. Manumissions at the baptismal font ("alforrias de pia") are documented on folios 20F, 22V, 23F, 38F (which mentions the Free Womb Law), 39V and 50F. Physical characteristics: The volume consists of 200 folios, a number of which have come loose from the original binding. Only the front cover has survived. Dimensions: 45cm x 30cm. Owner(s) of original material: Arquivo da Cúria Metropolitana de Niterói.