Batismos de escravos, livres e índios, 1864-1870

The volume contains baptismal records of enslaved, free, and indigenous people registered in the Church of São Pedro da Aldeia, São Pedro da Aldeia-RJ. Entries date from 26 Aug 1864 to 14 Dec 1870. The opening and closing charters were signed by the substitute municipal judge, Joaquim José Baptista da Matta, in the city of Cabo Frio on 25 Jun 1864. Entries were signed by the following clergy: Vicar Manoel Martins Teixeira, Father Antonio Pereira dos Santos, and Commissioned Vicar Luis de "Santa?" Rosa. Manumissions at the baptismal font ("alforrias de pia") are documented on folios 86 (f), 94 (v), 95 (f), 106 (f) and 193 (f). Folios 2 and 7 are missing. Physical characteristics: The volume consitss of 200 numbered folios, of which folios 2 through 7 are missing. It has no cover; the folios have come loose from the binding and some have holes. Dimensions: 47cm x 36cm. Owner(s) of original material: Arquivo da Cúria Metropolitana de Niterói.