Casamentos de Escravos, 1740-1770

The volume records marriages of enslaved people registered in the Church of São João Batista, Itaboraí - RJ, between 27 Dec 1740 and 27 Jan 1770. The opening charter was signed by Henrique Marques de Carvalho on 31 Dec 1740; there is no closing charter. Entries were signed by the following clergy: Antonio de Souza Pinto; José Rodrigues (?); Francisco Rois Silva; Miguel Ferreira de Souza; José Ferreira Braga; Sebastião José Marques; Marcelo Correa de Macedo; Manoel de Jesus; and Joaquim Nunes Cabral. There is a record of a pastoral visit on 22 Dec 1742. The following African ethnonyms/nations are mentioned: Ganguella, Mina, Guiné (Guinea), Mossambique/Moçambique (Mozambique). Physical characteristics: The volume consists of 16 numbered folios. Some of the folios have come loose from the binding and show signs of insect and ink damage. The volume does not have a cover. Dimensions: 36cm X 26.5cm. Owner(s) of original material: Arquivo da Cúria Metropolitana de Niterói.