1. Livro de Óbitos de Livres, 1703-1705

Only two folios (folios 35 and 36) have survived from the original volume. There are no opening or closing charters. The first entry dates from 26 June 1703 and the last from 25 June 1706. Churches mentioned include the Capela de Santo Antônio da Bica and the Igreja de São Salvador do Mundo. The entries were signed by Manoel (?) de Alvarenga . There is reference to a testament, but one does not appear in the part of the volume that remains. Physical characteristics: This is a fragment of a larger volume, consisting of two loose numbered folios (folios 35 and 36). There is no cover; pages have been slightly damaged by insects. Owner(s) of original material: Arquivo da Cúria Metropolitana de Niterói.