Óbitos de Escravos, 1842-1862

The volume records burials of enslaved individuals registered in the Church of Nossa Senhora de Nazaré, Saquarema-RJ between 15 Jan 1842 and 14 Dec 1862. The volume opens on folio 8 and is missing the opening and closing charters. Entries were signed by the following clergy: Joaquim Jose da Costa, Pedro de Mello Alcf.do (Alcanforado), Jose de (?) Almeida, Antonio Pereira Santos, and Raphael Teixreira de Azevedo Machado. Physical characteristics: The volume is comprised of 138 numbered folios without a cover. The folios are in good condition. Dimensions: 40cm x 25cm. Owner(s) of original material: Arquivo da Cúria Metropolitana de Niterói.