Óbitos de Escravos, 1846-1888

This volume contains burial records of enslaved individuals registered in the Church of São João Batista (Baptista) de Icaraí (Carahy, Carii, Carahi) and covers the period between 10 June 1846 and 24 January 1888. The opening and closing charters, both dated 12 February 1842, were signed by João de Souza Nunes Lima. Entries were signed by the following clergy: Vicar Thomas de Aquino, Coadjutor Francisco Manoel D'Almeida Guimarães, Vicar Antonio de Mello Muniz Maia, Antonio Gomes Zavier, Vicar Conego Antonio da Imaculada Conceição, João Aureliano Correia dos Santos, Vicar Encomendado Miguel Joaquim D'Araujo, Pro Parroco Joze Joaquim da Silva, Coadjutor José Luis D'Almeida Martins. Folio 171 mentions the Lei Auréa (Golden Law) that ended slavery in Brazil. Physical characteristics: The volume has 496 numbered folios. Due to condition issues, it was not possible to photograph folios 15-23, 76, 115-120, or 132. Pages are out of numeric order: 1-229; 289-368; 230-288; 369-496 Dimensions: 32 cm x 22 cm. Owner(s) of original material: Arquivo da Cúria Metropolitana de Niterói.