Óbitos de Escravos, 1860-1888

The volume records burials of enslaved people registered in the Church of São João Batista, Itaboraí - RJ between 22 Oct 1860 and 04 May 1888. The opening charter was signed by the substitute Municipal Judge of Chapels (Juiz Municipal de Capelas substituto em exercício), Cyrillo Nunes Fagundes, on 14 August 1861; there is no closing charter. Some entries list the cause of death. Entries were signed by Joaquim Mariano de Castro Araujo. Slaves belonging to Major Cosme Botelho de Azevedo Coutinho appear. Physical characteristics: The volume consitss of 200 folios. It is well-preserved and has a cover. Dimensions: 41.5cm X 29cm. Owner(s) of original material: Arquivo da Cúria Metropolitana de Niterói.