Batismos de Livres, 1886-1887

This volume contains baptismal records of free people and children born to enslaved mothers after the passage of Law 2040/1871, the so-called "Free Womb Law," and registered in the Church of São João Batista (Baptista) de Niterói (Nictheroy). Entries date from 20 Mar 1886 through 13 Mar 1887. The opening charter was signed by General Vicar Monsignor Brito, while the closing charter was signed on the same date by the Vicar of Niterói, Canon João Aureliano Correia dos Santos. All of the entires were signed by Canon João Aureliano Correia dos Santos. There are a number of references to enslaved mothers belonging to one Captain Dario Justo de Souza Mello. On folio 24, the owner of the child of the slave as folhas 24 a dona da da filha de escrava abdica dos Direitos que a Lei lhe concede pela liberdade da ingênua. There are a number of references to "creole" ("crioula"; American-born) women. Physical characteristics: O livro possui 98 folhas numeradas e medidas de 33cmX22cm. Com capa e em bom estado de conservação. Owner(s) of original material: Arquivo da Cúria Metropolitana de Niterói.