"Собрание и снискание о Божестве и твари" протопопа Аввакума

The text of the manuscript is a copy of a theological polemic text written by one of chief ideologists and leaders of old believers protopop Abbacum. It was copied by his associate monk Epiphaniǐ in 1672. The manuscript was brought from the village Zdyhal'na, Kargopol region, Arkhangelsk district.

Текст рукописи представляет собой авторское богословское полемическое сочинение одного из идеологов и вождей старообрядчества протопопа Аввакума, записанное его сподвижником иноком Епифанием в 1672 г. Рукопись происходит из деревни Здыхальна Каргопольского района.

Extent: A set of 2 parts 15+7 folios without cover. Text is written on 2 different kind of paper by ink by 1 person (?). The set is situated in a folder.

Size and dimensions of original material: Height 16,7 cm, width 12,3 cm; depth 0,5.

Condition of original material: There are some spots and tearings on the folios.

Custodial history: The manuscript was collected during the archeographical expedition to the Kargopol region in 1969 from strannitsa Maria Petrovna Zykova. The manuscript may be a copy from the manuscript Kargopol collection 188, which was found in the same place.

Publisher(s): Описание Рукописного отдела Библиотеки Академии наук СССР. Том. 7, вып. 1: Сочинения писателей-старообрядцев XVII века / cост. Н. Ю. Бубнов. Л., 1984. С.249. (Opisaniye Rukopisnogo otdela Biblioteki Akademii nauk SSSR. Tom. 7, vyp. 1: Sochineniya pisateley-staroobryadtsev XVII veka / sost. N. YU. Bubnov. L., 1984. S. 249).

Keywords: History, Literature, Old Believers.