Подборка фотографий

There are 3 photos of stranniks' teacher Maxim Ivanovich Zalesskiǐ, strannitsa Nastasia Dmitrievna and strannitsa Thamaida Ivanovna (?), a sister of M.I. Zalesskiǐ. Two of three photos are the same. The manuscript is connected with village Chernovitsi, Kargopol region, Arkhangelsk district.

В подборке содержатся фотографии: 3 (2 одинаковые) страннического наставника Максима Ивановича Залесского (подписана 1975), 1 странницы Настасьи Дмитриевны (подписана) и 1 сестры М.И. Залесского Фамаиды Ивановны (?). Подборка происходит из деревни Черновцы Каргопольского района.

Extent: 1 envelope with 5 photoes of different size, one photo of M.I. Zalesskiǐ is sticked on the cardbourd.

Size and dimensions of original material: Height 35,4 cm, width 25,8 cm, depth 0,4 cm.

Condition of original material: The photographs have good condition.

Custodial history: The manuscript was collected during the archeographical expedition to the Kargopol region in 1962 from Zalesskiǐ.

Keywords: History, Old Believers.