Духовные стихи

The miscellanea includes three sacred poems: "About Sion", "About deplorable life" and "Fatal Years". The first two verses were written by inks; the last verse was added later and written by pencil. The last verse is the most valuable as it describes the history of schism in Patriarch Nikon's time.

Сборник включает три духовных стиха: "О Сионе"; "О плачевном житии" и стих "Годы роковые". Первые два стиха написаны чернилами; последний стих приписан позже карандашом. Этот стих имеет особую ценность, поскольку повествует об истории раскола при патриархе Никоне.

Extent: 6 folios folded together.

Size and dimensions of original material: Height 16,8 cm, width 10,5 cm.

Condition of original material: The manuscript has not binding or cover.The folios were sewn but the cotton is lost.

Custodial history: The manuscript was collected during the archeographical expedition to the Kargopol region in 1980.

Keywords: Old Believers, Poetry.