Сборник богослужебный

This manuscript is a convolute. Binding made in the Russian Academy of Sciences Library combined two fragments of different manuscripts into one volume. There are two fragments of different periods and content. First one, f. 1-4, contains canon to great martyr Georgios and is dating by the third quarter of the 17th century. The second one is a service on Tuesday of the 1st week after Easter to the icon of Virgin Hodegetria. It was written in the second half of the 16th century. The end of the service is absent.

Изготовленный в Библиотеке Российской академии наук переплет объединил фрагменты двух рукописей разного времени. Л. 1-4 - канон великомученику Георгию, третья четверть XVII века. Л. 5-16 - служба иконе Богородицы Одигитрия во вторник 1-й недели по Пасхе, конец утрачен, вторая половина XVI в.

Extent: 1 volume containing 16 folios.

Size and dimensions of original material: Height 29,5 cm, width 18,5 cm, depth 0,5 cm.

Condition of original material: The end of the manuscript is absent. The manuscript includes two fragments of different manuscripts without the beginnings and the ends. It has a new restoration binding made with cardboard and leather-cloth.

Custodial history: The manuscript was collected during the archeographical expedition to the Old believers in Kargopol district in 1968.

Publisher(s): Бубнов Н.Ю., Копанев А.И. Археографическая экспедиция Библиотеки АН СССР 1968 г. в Вологодскую и Архангельскую области. В: Сборник статей и материалов по книговедению. Выпуск 3. Ленинград, 1973. С. 450, № 4 (Bubnov N. Yu., Kopanev A.I. Arkheograficheskaja ekspeditsija Biblioteki AN SSSR 1968 g. v Vologodskuju i Arkhangelskuju oblasti. In: Sbornik statej i materialov po knigovedeniju. Vypusk 3. Leningrad, 1973. P. 450, No 4).

Keywords: Eastern Orthodox, Rites and ceremonies, Service.