
The Psalms are divided into 20 sections for liturgical use. There are not kathismas 1 - 3, which included psalms from 1 to 26 (there are 2 last lines from psalm 26), and only the first song and several words of the second song are preserved from Biblical songs at the end. The manuscript is brought from the village Chertovizy, Kargopol region, Arkhangelsk district.

Псалмы в рукописи составляют последовательность из 20 кафизм для литургических целей. В начале не сохранились кафизмы с 1 по 3, включавшие псалмы с 1 по 26 (от псалма 26 остались только 2 последние строки). В конце сохранились только первая и начало второй из Библейских песен. Рукопись происходит из деревни Чертовицы Каргопольского района.

Extent: 1 volume with cardbourd in lederin binding containing 131 folios.

Size and dimensions of original material: Height 19,3 cm, width 13,2 cm; depth 3,9 cm.

Condition of original material: The manuscript was restored in 1968: all the folios were sticked, added with foldes and sewed into a book, a new binding was made.

Custodial history: The manuscript was collected during the archeographical expedition to the Kargopol region in 1967 and bought from M.I. Salesskiǐ.

Keywords: Literature, Old Believers, Rites and ceremonies.