"Беседословие о случаех последнего времене. Титин

An old believers' text of the 18th century is dedicated to an analysis of the last times feaches and their sources, which permits to judge about these feaches. Text consists of 11 chapters. The author of the text is a known old believers' teacher Andrey Dionisovich. A scribe of the main part of the manuscript is an old believer-skrytnik from Kargopol Vladimir Stepanovich Zaborskyj.

Старообрядческое сочинение XVIII в., посвященное анализу признаков последних времен и источников, позволяющих говорить об этих признаках. Текст состоит из 11 отдельных глав. Автором является известный старообрядческий учитель Андрей Денисович. Основная часть рукописи переписана старообрядцем-скрытником из Каргополя Владимиром Степановичем Заборским.

Extent: 1 volume with binding boards in leather containing 229 folios. There are a lot of small book-marks sticked on pages of the block and two fasteners on the side opposite back.

Size and dimensions of original material: Height 23,8 cm, width 17,9 cm, depth 4 cm.

Condition of original material: The manuscript has a good condition. There are several damagings on the leather of the binding.

Custodial history: A beginning of the manuscript (The preface to the reader) i9s written by unknown Vyg (?) writer. The text from f. 12 up to the end is written known oldbeleaver from skrytnyks. The manuscript was given to the agents of the Russian Academy of Science Library by old believer Mihail Zalessky in 15/08 1966.

Author(s)/Creator(s): An auther of the text is known old believers teacher Andrey Dionisovich.

Scribe(s): A scriber of main part of the manuscript is old believer skrytnik from Kargopol Vladivir Stepanovich Zaborskyh.

Publisher(s): Кукушкина М.В., Лихачева О.П. Археографические экспедиции в Каргопольский и Плесецкий районы Архангельской области в 1966 и 1967 гг. В: Сборник статей и материалов по книговедению. Выпуск 2. Ленинград, 1970. С. 322, № 44 (Kukushkina M.V., Likhacheva O.P. Arkheografichesckie ekspeditsii v Kargopolskij i Plesetskij rajony Arkhangelskoj oblasti v 1966 i 1967 gg. In: Sbornik statej i materialov po knigovedeniju. Vypusk 2. Leningrad, 1970. P. 322, No 44).

Keywords: Literature, Old Believers, The end of the world.