Поздравительная открытка

It is a congratulatory card which was drawn on the tracing-paper as a frame headbande in a Pomorian style. There is a text of congratulations in the center of the frame: "Dear Praskovia Samojlovna, happy holiday. O. Alexeev. 1970, 22 of April". It is not an Easter congratulations as the Easter was on the 26th of April in 1970. Perhaps, the card was drawn on the tracing-paper as the headbande was copied from some manuscript.

Поздравительная открытка нарисована на кальке в виде заставки-рамки в поморском стиле. В центр заставки-рамки вписан текст поздравления: "Дорогая Прасковья Самойловна, поздравляем Вас с праздником. О. Алексеев. 1970 г. 22 апреля". Это не пасхальное поздравление, поскольку Пасха в 1970 г. была 26 апреля. Возможно, открытка нарисована на кальке, поскольку заставка была скопирована из какой-либо рукописи.

Extent: 2 folios.

Size and dimensions of original material: Height 21 cm, width 15 cm.

Condition of original material: The tracing-paper has a great gap from the lower left edge to the center of the card.

Custodial history: The manuscript was collected during the archeographical expedition to the Kargopol region in 1980.

Author(s)/Creator(s): O. Alexeev.

Scribe(s): O. Alexeev.

Keywords: Art, Card, Old Believers.