Вопрос и ответ о поминовении старообрядцами в молитвах монархов

This is an anonymous writing which is dated by 1811, about allowance for Old Believers to pray for sovereigns. The question was asked by Ilija Alexeev in connection with presenting of the petition to Russian Emperor to permit the foundation of the cemetery for Old Believers.

Анонимное сочинение, написанное в 1811 г., о допустимости для старообрядцев молитв за монархов. Вопрос был поставлен Ильей Алексеевым в связи с подачей прошения императору о разрешении основать старообрядческое кладбище.

Extent: 16 folios sewn together.

Size and dimensions of original material: Height 22,2 cm, width 17,5 cm.

Condition of original material: The manuscript has not binding or cover. The folios are dirty. Some of them are torn off the other, so ff. 1-4 are separated from the book.

Custodial history: The manuscript was collected during the archeographical expedition to the Kargopol region in 1980.

Alternative calendar and date: Julian, 7319.0.

Keywords: Missionary work, Old Believers, Polemic text.