Лермонтов М.Ю. Оправдание

There is a poem of Mikhail Yurijevich Lermontov "Justification" (inc.: "When remebrances only…") among numerous Old Believers' copies of sacred poems. This poem is about the justice of God and of a human over the deceased. It was one of the favourite theme of Old believers religious poetry, so they interpreted the Lermontov's poem as a religious verse. This poem was written on the cover of edition of "Proceedings of Kiev Ecclesiastical Academy". Probably the manuscript was created by townsman, not by some villager.

Среди многочисленных сохранившихся у скрытников духовных стихов находится переписанное стихотворение М.Ю. Лермонтова "Оправдание" (нач.: "Когда одни воспоминанья…"). Стихотворение посвящено суду Божию и человеческому над усопшим - одной из излюбленных тем духовных стихов. Именно это, очевидно, позволило старообрядцам воспринимать стихотворение М.Ю. Лермонтова как духовный стих. Стихотворение переписано на обложке издания "Труды Киевской духовной академии"; вероятно, список происходит из городской среды.

Extent: 1 folio.

Size and dimensions of original material: Height 20 cm, width 16 cm.

Condition of original material: It is the only sheet which was put down and has two folds.

Custodial history: The manuscript was collected during the archeographical expedition to the Kargopol region in 1980.

Author(s)/Creator(s): Lermontov, Mikhail.

Keywords: Christianity, Poetry.