Тропари и кондаки избранным праздникам

The manuscript includes the troparions and kontakions to selected saints anf christian feasts: to Transfiguration, Assuption of Virgin, John the Baptist, Ethereal forces, Cross, Apostles, Saint Nikolas, Sergius of Radonezh, Kirill Belozersky. It is a fragment of great manuscript written near 1739, as it has the watermark RF = FT. The beginning of the manuscript is lost.

Рукопись включает тропари и кондаки избранным святым и праздникам: Преображению, Успению Богородицы, Иоанну Предтече, бесплотным силам, кресту, апостолам, Николаю Мирликийскому, Сергию Радонежскому, Кириллу Белозерскому. Это фрагмент рукописи XVIII в. с филигранью РФ = ФТ (около 1739 г.). Начало рукописи утрачено.

Extent: 3 folios glued together.

Size and dimensions of original material: Height 26,8 cm, width 18 cm.

Condition of original material: The manuscript has not binding or cover.The beginning of the manuscript is lost.

Custodial history: The manuscript was collected during the archeographical expedition to the Kargopol region in 1980.

Keywords: Eastern Orthodox, Rites and ceremonies, Troparions and Kontakions.