
Menaion is an Orthodox liturgical book with church divine services to Saints arranged according to days of liturgical year. This manuscript belongs to Old Russian tradition. It was written in the 16th century but then it was kept and used by Old believers. This fragment of Menaion contains two divine services on November: the service to martyr Achaicus (ff. 1r-12v, the beginning of the text is absent); and the service to apostle Andrew First-Called (ff. 12v-17v, the end of the text is absent).

Минея - православная богослужебная книга с текстами церковных служб святым, расположенными по месяцам и дням года. Данная рукопись относится к древнерусской традиции. Она была написана в XVI веке, но впоследствии хранилась и использовалась старообрядцами. Данный фрагмент Минеи содержит две службы на ноябрь: службу мученику Акакию (29 ноября, л. 1-12 об., начало утрачено) и службу апостолу Андрею Первозванному (30 ноября, л. 12 об.-17 об., конец утрачен).

Extent: 17 folios sewn together.

Size and dimensions of original material: Height 17,5 cm, width 12,8 cm.

Condition of original material: It is a part of lost book without binding. F. 1 has an old number 452; therefore at least 451 folios were in the lost part of the book. The folios are sewn together.

Custodial history: The manuscript was collected during the archeographical expedition to the Kargopol region in 1979.

Publisher(s): Divine service to martyr Achaicus is published: Минея. Ноябрь. Т. 3. Часть 2. 1981. С. 504-513. Divine service to apostle Andrew First-Called is published: Минея. Ноябрь. Т. 3. Часть 2. 1981. С. 514-515, 520-526. (Mineja. Nojabrj. Tom 3. Chast' 2. 1981. S. 504-515, 520-526).

Keywords: Eastern Orthodox, Menaion, divine services to Saints., Rites and ceremonies.