Письмо от Иосифа Александровича Скобёлкина (?) (1902 – 1944) к Моте (Матрёне Александровне Скобёлкиной (1900 – 1983) с просьбой достать шерстяную синюю ткань и описанием дефицита товаров

Paper, ink, manuscript. Notebook paper "checkered". The text is written in blue ink on both sides of the sheet. Contains a request for the search for matter and a description of the shortage of goods.

Extent: 1 sheet.

Size and dimensions of original material: 20,8 х 17,0.

Condition of original material: Bend marks. On the left edge are two holes from the hole punch. The left edge is unevenly torn off.

Author(s)/Creator(s): Joseph Alexandrovich Skobelkin (?) (1903 – 1943).

Scribe(s): Joseph Alexandrovich Skobelkin (?) (1903 – 1943).

Former external reference: КМЗ ВХ-34/20/72.