Письмо Иосифа Скобелкина (1902 – 1944) Моте (Матрёне Александровне Скобёлкиной (1900 – 1983) о финансовых обстоятельствах повседневной жизни

Paper, ink, manuscript. The sheets are not fastened together. Notebook paper "lined". The pages are numbered in blue ink at the top edge. The text is written in blue ink on both sides of the first two sheets, and the front side of the third. The letter contains information about the income and expenses of the author.

Extent: 3 sheets.

Size and dimensions of original material: 20,2 х 16,8.

Condition of original material: On all sheets there are traces of folds to fit the envelope. On the left edge of all sheets are two holes from the hole punch. The corners are dented.

Author(s)/Creator(s): Joseph Alexandrovich Skobelkin (1903 – 1943).

Scribe(s): Joseph Alexandrovich Skobelkin (1903 – 1943).

Former external reference: КМЗ ВХ-34/20/70.