Фотография учеников старообрядческой школы и курсов церковного пения в деревне Стрельниково

Group monochromatic photo is pasted on a thick sheet of cardboard. Pupils and teachers (?) Of the Old Believer school and church singing courses in Strelnikovo village. Second row top third right - Vera Aleksandrovna (nee Skobyolkina). On the bottom edge of the photo there is a paper sticker with typewritten text in two lines: «Pupils of Strelnikovo old believers school and church singing courses / /About 1918-1919/ Vera is on the top, right, 2nd row, third». On the back side there is an inscription in two lines made with graphite pencil: "[Illegibly.] choir (church) / (1924)".

Extent: 1 sheet.

Size and dimensions of original material: 22,4х27,0.

Condition of original material: Some deformations on the photo, spotted loss of picture, scratches, spots.

Former external reference: КМЗ ВХ-71/19/7.