Фотография слушателей курсов председателей ревизионных комиссий

Group monochromatic photo of the participants of the audit commissions' courses SelPO at Kostroma OkrPotrebSoyuz. Vera Alexandrovna (nee Skobyolkina) husband Shutov L.P. is in the second row top third right. Photo pasted on a thick sheet of cardboard. The paper sticker with typewritten text in two lines is on the top: “Courses of the chiefs of the SelPO Audit Commissions at Kostroma OkrPotrebSoyuz / Spring 1927 /I'm on top, on the right, second row - third /». The inscription in 5 lines is on the back: «Courses of the chiefs of the SelPO Audit / Commissions at Kostroma / OkrPotrebSoyuz in april 1927. The head of the OkrPS is in the middle — Kalinnikov / V.C. Vedrin - the chief of courses».

Extent: 1 sheet.

Size and dimensions of original material: 22,0х24,5.

Condition of original material: Some deformations on the photo, spotted loss of picture, scratches.

Former external reference: КМЗ ВХ-71/19/6.