Фотография. Курсы руководителей социалистического сельского хозяйства при совхозе "Арженка" Тамбовской области

Group monochromatic photo, which shows students of the courses of chiefs of socialist agriculture. It is cut off on the top edge and pasted on a piece of thick cardboard. Below the photo is a sticker with typewritten text in 2 lines: «Courses of chiefs of socialist agriculture at the state farm "Arzhenka" of the Tambov region. 1930 / I am on the right, below the 4th row, the second (the first is V. Morshchakov)». On the back side in the lower right corner there is an inscription in graphite pencil in three lines:: "V. Morshchakov / Yevsikov / Tam. Kiseleva".

Extent: 1 sheet.

Size and dimensions of original material: 20,5х29,3.

Condition of original material: Spotted loss of picture.

Former external reference: КМЗ ВХ-71/19/2.