Фотография инкубатория совхоза "Щедрино"

Group monochromatic photo of the State Farm Shchedrino's hatchery workers pasted on a thick sheet of cardboard. On the bottom edge of the photo there is a paper sticker with typewritten text in 4 lines: "The hatchery of the Shchedrino state farm". Hatchery workers: Vera - puts / eggs for a hatchery in a tray, to the left - Lida Avvakumova, I am in the middle, to the right:... / I forgot her name / and Anisya Khanykova after her. Summer 1931 / 888888888". On the back of a cardboard sheet there is the inscription in 5 lines with a blue ink ballpoint pen: "In the hatchery of the / Shchedrino state farm / Vera, Lida Abakumova, me / Fedosya [word crossed out] Anisya /Agafya [word crossed out] Khanykova.".

Extent: 1 sheet.

Size and dimensions of original material: 21,7х25,7.

Condition of original material: Gaps along the top edge of the photo, spotted loss of picture, spots.

Former external reference: КМЗ ВХ-71/19/3.