The Englishman

The File is an issue of the newspaper, The Englishman spanning the months of March to April in the year 1925. Extent and format of original material: One bound volume with 326 folio. Physical characteristics: Both front and back covers are missing. The pages are moth-eaten, yellowed, acidic and very brittle. Edges torn. Marks of foxing, fungal infestation, reverse impressions, patches of colour and rust marks are visible. The spine is loose and damaged. Item was probably exposed to moist conditions. The print is faded and its alignment is askew. Fold marks present. Pencil, glue and rust marks present. Pages missing in the beginning and end. Corners and edges badly damaged. The volume starts from 2nd March and ends on 30th April. Dimensions: 58. 5x44. 5x3. Volume C III, Registration No. C 79. Editor: A. C. Wentworth Lewis Publisher: Printed and published by George W. Bowson for the proprietors The Englishman Ltd. Head Office: 9, Hare street, Calcutta.