Hindoo Patriot

The File is an issue of the newspaper, The Hindoo Patriot spanning the months of January to June in the year 1895. Extent and format of original material: One bound volume with 272 folio. Physical characteristics: Both front and back covers are missing. The pages are moth-eaten, yellowed, acidic and very brittle. Edges torn. Marks of foxing, fungal infestation, reverse impressions, patches of colour and rust marks are visible. Very fragile in the middle of the pages. Loss of text due to breakage along the folds in the middle. For this there may be some difference between left and right sides. The spine is loose. The print is faded and its alignment is askew. The volume starts from17th January and ends on 26th June. Dimensions: 65x50x3. Volume XLII. Editor of the original material: Publisher: Printed and published by Priya Nath Das, at The Hindoo Patriot Press, No 26, Mott's Lane, Calcutta.