Tibetan document

Original file reference: SPA/PA/BD/023. Extent of original material: 42 pages.

This file contains the following 18 items.

  • EAP880/1/5/23/1: Notesheets regarding the death of Sonam Tobgay Dorji, 25 Sep 1953-3 Feb 1955, [9 images];
  • EAP880/1/5/23/2: Telegram from Jigme Tsewang Palden Dorji (PM, Bhutan) to Tashi Namgyal (Chogyal r.1914-1963) intimating the death of Jigme Tsewang Palden Dorji (PM, Bhutan), 24 Feb 1953, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/23/3: Letter from the Private Secretary intimating the death of Sonam Tobgay Dorji, 25 Sep 1953, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/23/4: Telegram from Palden Thondup Namgyal (Chogyal r.1965-1982) to Yuthok Sey intimating the death of Sonam Tobgay Dorji, 25 Sep 1953, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/23/5: Letter from Tashi Namgyal (Chogyal r.1914-1963) to Princess Choni Wangmo Namgyal offering condolence for the death of Sonam Tobgay Dorji, 25 Sep 1953, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/23/6: Account of condolence offerings from Tashi Namgyal (Chogyal r.1914-1963) during the death of Jigme Dorji Wangchuk (Druk Gyalpo r.1926-1952), 25 Sep 1953, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/23/7: Correspondence between the Private Secretary and the Superintendant of Sikkim Police regarding the arrangements for the reception of funeral party at Tsomgo, 28 Sep 1953-29 Sep 1953, [7 images];
  • EAP880/1/5/23/8: Letter from the Private secretary to the Dewan, Sikkim regarding the arrangements of money for assisting the funeral of Sonam Tobgay Dorji, 29 Sep 1953, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/23/9: Extract from notes and orders regarding the death of Sonam Tobgay Dorji, 29 Sep 1953, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/23/10: Expenditure account for the death of Sonam Tobgay Dorji, c 1953, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/23/11: Correspondence between the Private Secretary and the Superintendant of Sikkim Police regarding the arrangements for the reception of funeral party at Tsomgo, 30 Sep 1953, [2 images];
  • EAP880/1/5/23/12: Tibetan document, c 1953, [2 images];
  • EAP880/1/5/23/13: Itinerary for the reception of Sonam Tobgay Dorji's funeral party at Tsomgo, 30 Sep 1953, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/23/14: Note from the Private Secretary to Office Superintendant of Secretariat regarding the arrangement of forest guards for catering the funeral party, 01 Oct 1953, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/23/15: Letter from the Executive Officer to the Private Secretary regarding the reception of funeral party at Tsomgo, 01 Oct 1953, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/23/16: Memorandum from the Officer in-Charge, Ecclesiastical Affairs to the Private Secretary regarding accounts of prayer service conducted during the demise of Sonam Tobgay Dorji, 19 Nov 1953, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/23/17: Accounts for the expenditure incurred during Sonam Tobgay Dorji's demise, 02 Oct 1953, [6 images];
  • EAP880/1/5/23/18: Accounts for the expenditure incurred during Sonam Tobgay Dorji's demise, 01 Oct 1953, [3 images];