நூல் 1: மச்சமுனி நிகண்டு; நூல் 2: மூத்திர லட்சணம்; நூல் 3: தலைப்பு இல்லை (மருந்து செய்முறைகள்)

Titles in original script: நூல் 1: மச்சமுனி நிகண்டு நூல் 2: மூத்திர லட்சணம் நூல் 3: தலைப்பு இல்லை (மருந்து செய்முறைகள்); The manuscript consists of 3 texts, written in verses, which approach diverse subjects related to medicine and alchemy. It is very damaged by rodents and larvae. The numbering is quite often invisible due to damage. Text 1- The text, entitled Maccamuṉi Nikaṇtu, consists of 18 leaves containing verses numbered from 1 to 105. The verses from 77 to 80 are missing. Maccamuṉi is one of the 18 cittarkaḷ of the Tamil tradition, known for his involvement in esotericism. His text gives information on tītcai (Sk. diksa or initiation of knowledge), yoga and muppu, a salt emblematic of the siddha alchemist tradition. Additionally, the text describes preparation of muttu cippi cuṇṇam (calcinated salt of oyster shell) and purification of some raw materials. Text 2- The text consists of 3 leaves containing 12 verses. It deals with the diagnostic of diseases using the urine reading (nīr kuṟi). The technique consists in noting the colour of a drop of sesame oil, after putting it at the surface of a patient’s urine collected in a glass bowl or a tumbler. In patients affected by vāta diseases, the oil’s colour turns to white, by pitta diseases, it turns to reddish yellow, and by jaundice, it turns to reddish yellow or golden yellow. Text 3- The text containing only one palm leaf lists medicinal formulations for treating colic pain (cūlai), urinary tract infection (mēkam) and gastric ulcer (kuṉmam). Size of the manuscript: 41,0cm x 3.3cm. The manuscript is constituted of 1 introductive leaf, 3 texts of 18, 3 and 1 leaves and four blank leaves. The number of the leaves is quite often invisible as the leaves are damaged by rodents and larvae. The 3rd text is incomplete.