நூல் 1: நொடி வைத்தியம்; நூல் 2: தலைப்பு இல்லை (அனுபவ வைத்திய முறை); நூல் 3: தலைப்பு இல்லை (கை வைத்தியம்)

Titles in original script: நூல் 1: நொடி வைத்தியம் நூல் 2: தலைப்பு இல்லை (அனுபவ வைத்திய முறை) நூல் 3: தலைப்பு இல்லை (கை வைத்தியம்); The manuscript is constituted of three texts related to medicine. It has been infected by fungus and is lightly damaged by rodents. Text 1- The text, entitled Noṭi vaittiyam and attributed to Akattiyar, contains palm leaves numbered from 1 to 39, it is incomplete. It is written in verses. The text concerns simple medicinal formulations used to treat diseases for which the clinical features are provided. The diseases listed in the text are: convulsions (valippu; piṟavalippu) for which a recipe of fomentation (ottaṭam) is presented; post natal delirium (piḷḷai peṟṟa uṭalil caṉṉi); female infertility; diseases during pregnancy; hernia (aṇṭa vātam), vāta diseases (antivātam, kaḻal vātam and āṉanta vātam) for which the text provides formulation of medicated oils (eṇṇey) for fomentation, and incurable diseases (acātiayam) for which medicated oils (tailam) are mentioned. A medicated oil (eṇṇey), fumigation (pukai) and a medicated oil (tailam) for head bath are recommended for treating all types of delirium (caṉṉi). A medicated oil (tailam) is presented to treat all types of vāta diseases (cakala vāta) as well as a dried plant powder (curaṇam) for a kind of vāta disease (carvāṅkattukku vāta). Additionally, the text mentions two tailam, Viṣamuṣṭi tailam and Tiri tailam, both used internally (uḷḷukku) and externally (uṭampukku). Text 2 - The text, whose the leaves are numbered from 53 to 132, is written in verses. It presents simple medicines with their dosage for treating diverse diseases. The remedies are: Pañcapāṣāṇa curaṇam, Cīrakāti curaṇam, Tāḷicapattiri curaṇam and kaṭukkāy curaṇam; Karuṅkōḻi tailam and ney; Tiriviṣa puṭa tailam which is recommended for treating bites by jackal. The text provides formulations of nasal drops (naciyam) for treating convulsions (muyal, piṟa and carva valippu), a medicine for external application (pūccu maruntu) for treating hemiplegia (pakkavātam), dried plant powders for curing all types of vāta diseases (cakala vayu), an electuary for curing cough (irumal), and an oil for treating insanity (paittiyattuku eṇṇey), as well as of medicines for calming burning sensation in arms and legs caused by pitta imbalance and burning sensation in the heart (neñcerivu), and for treating abdominal colic (vayiṟṟu vali, āmai cūlai) and wheezing (īḷai). Text 3 – The text contains 20 leaves, numbered with Arab numbers, from 1 to 20. As its writing and numbering is different from the two previous one, this text was cerainly added to the manuscript latter. It concerns also formulation of medicines recommended to treat various diseases such as scabies (ariciraṅku), skin ulcers (āṟāta puṇ), fungal infection (puḻuveṭṭu), sinusitis (kapāla nīrkkaṭṭu), pricking pain in ears (kātil kuttu vali), smoky vision (kaṇ pukaiccal), flatus (vāyu tiraṭci), indigestion in children (māntam), hernia (kuṭal vātam), and diseases resulting from vāta imbalance. Size of the manuscript: 20.0cm x 3.7cm. The palm leaves of the text 1 are numbered in Tamil from 1 to 39; of the text 2 from 53 to 132 (leaves 55-61 are missing) and of the text 3, from 1 to 20 (Arab numbers). The first leaf of the manuscript mentions the name of the 1st text. There is an additional leaf. The manuscript is partly damaged by rodents and affected by fungus.