தலைப்பு இல்லை (மருந்து செய்முறைகள்)

Title in original script: தலைப்பு இல்லை (மருந்து செய்முறைகள்) The manuscript is a part of a bundle of palm leaves which was constituted of two sets of leaves of different size. Despite their common subject, preparation of medicines, the sets have been separated and classified MSS2A and MSS2B. The manuscript is in very bad state. The leaves darken by fungus infestation are extremely friable making their reading delicate, even impossible. The set MSS2B is composed of 69 palm leaves numbered (between 22 and 79) and not numbered, coming from diverse texts. The text, written in verses presents the following medicinal formulations: Vāta cura kuṭinīr; Mātaḷāticūraṇam and Campāti cūraṇam; Cantaṉāti tailam and Kuṅkumāti tailam; Kaṭuku lēkiyam, Cittira vallāti lēkiyam, Eṭṭikkoṭṭai lēkiyam and Vilvāti lēkiyam; Caṉṉi kuḻampu; Karuṅkōḻi paṟpam. The text specifies some medicines (maruntu; not named) for treating cough (irumal), eye diseases (kaṇ viyāti), oral cancer (vāy puṟṟu), dryness of scalp (kapāla vaṟaṭci), enlargement of lymph node in inguinal region (araiyāppu), gastritis (kuṉmam), scrotal swelling (aṇṭa vātam), piles (mūlam) and dysentery due to piles (mūlakkirāṇi), flatus (vayaṟu porumal), haematuria (ratta piramēkam), menorrhagia (perumpāṭu), fever (curam), periodic fever (māṟal curam) and fever with shivering (kuḷir kāyccal), jaundice (kāmālai) in adults and in children, infection in infants caused by birds (paṟavai tōṣam), poisonous bites (viṣa kaṭi) and bites by wild dog (pēynāy kaṭi), Parkinson-like disease (pārica vāyu) and meningial infection (kapāla caṉṉi). It indicated a decoction (kaṣāyam) to treat delirium (caṉṉi); a dry plant powder (cūraṇam) to induce laxation (cuka pēti); a electuary (lēkiyam) to treat urinary tract infection (mēkam) and to induce purgation (pēti); a medicated ghī (ney) to treat urinary tract infection in children (ciṟu pālarukku mēkam), medicated oils (eṇṇey) for treating delirium (caṉṉi) and eczema in scalp (maṇṭai karappāṉ), as well as a purgative therapy (virēcaṇam, ciṟu rāca virēcaṇam). Size of the manuscript: 30.0cm x 2.8cm. The text is constituted of palm leaves numbered between 22 and 72 and 1 and 24 and leaves without numbering. The state of the manuscript is extremely bad. All the leaves are very darken and are fragments, extremely difficult to manupulate because of their fragility caused by fungus infestation.