வைசூரி மாளிகை

Title in original script: வைசூரி மாளிகை The manuscript is made of a text which is incomplete. The manuscript is in excellent condition; the palm leaves are slightly stained by fungus. The text, written in verses and entitled Vaicūri Māḷikai, contains palm leaves numbered from 1 to 51. It deals with exanthematous fever (vaicūri) for which the types, clinical features, and appropriate medicinal formulations are described. The diseases are: macules (kuru; paṉi) caused by derangement (cārntu) of vāta, pitta, kapa and the three humours; akattaruṇi; akavāḷ; civanta maṇalvāri and eḷḷu maṇalvāri; kaṟutta aṇali; muttirai piṟappaṉ; karuñcappaṭṭai; veḷutta aṇali; upputtiri, karumutiri, pālutiri, kallutiri and pūḻi kallutiri; veḷpuḷakaṉ; nīraṇali; veḷ cilanti, mōr cilanti, nīr cilanti, poṉ cilanti and veṭi cilanti; paṉaimukari; moḻukkaṉ; toṇṭai kuru; maṟumuḷ; and viṣa kuru. Size of the manuscript 21,4cm x 3,7cm. The palm leaves of the text are numbered from 1 to 51 in Tamil and Arabic. There is a leaf placed at the end of the text. The manuscript is in excellent condition. The leaves are slightly affected by fungus.