வர்ம சூத்திரம்

Title in original script: வர்ம சூத்திரம் The manuscript containing 39 palm leaves is constituted of a text, written in verses, numbered from 1 to 38. The text is incomplete. It deals with varma practice. This text, first, describes its content as well as the persons to whom it must not be given. Indeed, as varmakkalai (art of varmam) comprises two antinomic practices, that of the medicine to treat injuries, and that of the war to kill or neutralise enemy, the transmission of the varma knowledge calls for caution. The text, then, describes a number of vital points (varmam) in the body, namely, tilartta kālam, naṭcattira kālam, cevikkuṟṟi kālam, piṭari kālam, uṟakka kālam, tummi kālam, aṭappa kālam, nēr varmam, curukki kālam, ciṟiya atti curukki kālam, kallaṭai kālam, taṭavu muṟaikaḷ, caṅku tiri kālam, vittu varmam, cuḻiyāṭi varmam, vāyvu kālam, utira kālam, perumi varmam, viṟacci varmam, kuruntu kuṟṟi, āmpa varmam, aḷavāṭi varmam, vilaṅku varmam, puca varmam, cuḷukku varmam, moḻi varmam and kōccu varmam. An additional leaf, situated at the end of the text is a salutation addressed to the guru (the person from whom the author of the text has obtained his knowledge). Size of the manuscript 26,5cm x 2,8cm. The text is numbered from 1 to 38 in Tamil and Arabic. It contains an additional leaf for the satutation to the guru. The leaves from 29 to 38 of the manuscript are damaged by rodents and all the leaves are very dark due to infestation of fungus.