அகத்தியர் வைத்தியம்- 1500

Title in original script: அகத்தியர் வைத்தியம்- 1500 The manuscript is composed of a text whose the palm leaves are numbered from 1 to 180. The manuscript, damaged by rodents and larvae, is in bad condition from the leaf 100, and in very bad condition from the leaf 122. The text, written in verses, is entitled Akattiyar Vaittiyam- 1500; it is incomplete. It is introduced by an additional leaf which presents a salutation to Jesus and to the guru. The text concerns on the one hand, diagnosis of diseases by urine examination (nīr kuṟi) and etiology of some diseases, namely indigestion (māntam), urinary tract infection (mēkam), delirium (caṉṉi), hemorrhoids (mūlamulai), skin diseases (kuṭṭa nōy), colic pain (cūlai) due to derangement of vāta and of cileṟpaṇa humours as well as signs of pregnancy (kerppa kuṟi). On the second hand, the text deals with formulation of medicines: Decoctions: Pañca mūla kaṣāyam, Taca mūla kaṣāyam, Caṇṭamāruta kaṣāyam, as well as decoctions (kaṣāyam) for urinary tract infection (mēkam) and cough (irumal). Medicated oils: Cantaṉāti tailam, Matukāti tailam, Ceṅkaḻunīr tailam, Mōreṇṇey, Kaṭal nurai tailam, Verukeṇṇey, Kattari tailam, Pāvu tailam, Maturāti tailam and Kantaka tailam. Dried plant powders: Kiricaṉa cūraṇam, Mēkāti cūraṇam and Aṭṭa cūraṇam; Kaṟpūra kantaka cīṉi. Electuaries: a lēkiyam for ascitis (peruvayiṟu). Medicated ghee: Tippili ney, Elāti kiṟutam, Kaṇṭaṅkattiri ney, Muyal ney, Kataḷi ney, Kenti ney, Nīrvaḷḷi ney, Pūcaṇi ney, Veḷḷuḷḷi ney, Puḷiyāral ney, Tayir ney, Cukku ney, Kukkil ney, Puṭōl ney, Nāyuruvi ney, Cīntil ney, Caṭaicci ney, Tiripalāti ney, Kalliyāṇi kiṟutam, Muntirikai ney, Āṭātōṭai ney, Mulaippāl ney and Veḷvēl ney. Pills: Makā cañcīvi māttirai, Cūcikā pāṇa māttirai, Āṉanta pairavaṉ māttirai, Raca pūpati māttirai, Caṉṉi kuṭōri māttirai, Corṇa kantaka māttirai, Āṉanta pairavaṉ māttirai, Pūta pairavaṉ māttirai,Cayakulāntakaṉ māttirai, Vaṅkāra cañcīvi māttirai, Viṣṇu pūpati māttirai, Īsvara pūpati māttirai and Kaṉakarattiṉāti māttirai; Veḷḷai pāṭāṇa kuḷikai, Kōṭācuṭi kuḷikai, Āṉanta vairavaṉ kuḷikai, Mēkāti kuḷikai and Kapāṭa kuḷikai; Pācāṇa uṇṭai; Kuṉma kuṭōri and Pāṇṭu kuṭōri. Calcined red medicine based on metals and minerals: Lōka centūram, Apiraka centūram, Maṇṭūra centūram, Urukku centūram, Utayākkiṉi centūram, Kārīya centūram, Lōkāmirta centūram, Cūta centūram, Tāmira centūram, Caṇṭamāruta centūram, Vaṅka centūram and Nāka centūram. Calcined white medicine based on metals and minerals: Raca paṟpam, Aritāra paṟpam and Vaṅka paṟpam. Wax-like medicines: a kuḻampu for inflammation (vīkkam) Medicines for external application: a collyrium (añcaṉam) for night blindness (mālaikkaṇ); a medicated fumes (pukai) for cough; nasal drops (naciyam) for delirium (caṉṉi); and an ointment called Cavvīra kaḷimpu. The text describes as well the process of detoxification/purification of metal and minerals: sulphur (kantakam), arsenic disulphide (maṉōcilai), cinnabar (cātiliṅkam), mica (apirakam), copper pyrites (nimiḷai), blend of mercury and sulphur prepared in iron trough (toṭṭi), arsenic (pāṣāṇam), camphor (kaṟpūram), zinc (nākam), lead (vaṅkam) iron (ayam), copper (tāmiram) and magnet (kāntam). Size of the manuscript 26,2cm x 3,4cm. The palm leaves are numbered from 1 to 180 in Tamil and Arabic. There are 2 additional leaves placed at the beginning presenting the title and a salutation to Jesus and to guru and 2 leaves at the end containing a medicinal formula. The manuscript bitten by rodents and affected by larvae is in bad condition from the leaf numbered 100 and very bad state from the leaf 122.