அகத்தியர் வைத்தியம்

Title in original script: அகத்தியர் வைத்தியம் The manuscript is constituted of a text of 8 palm leaves from the talipot palm tree (Corypha umbraculifera) numbered 1, 4, 23, 43 to 46 and 63. It is in good condition; the leaf 43 is broken. Size of the manuscript 32,5cm x 4,4cm. The palm leaves (in Corypha umbraculifera) of the text are numbered in Tamil and Arab 1, 4, 23 and 43 to 46. The manuscript is in condition; the leaf 43 is broken. The text, entitled Akattiyar vaittiyam, is written in verses; it is incomplete. The text describes the preparation of Apraka centūram, Cavvīra centūram and Caṭāṭcara centūram, as well as an electuary (lēkiyam) for treating metrorrhagia (perumpāṭu) and a medicine (maruntu) for treating five types of convulsions (vali añcu). A part of this text presents a method to worship (pūcikkum vakai).