நூல் 1: நூல் தொகுப்பு; நூல் 2: குட்ட நிதானம்; நூல் 3: தலைப்பு இல்லை (மருந்து செய்முறைகள்); நூல் 4: சன்னி நிதானம்; நூல் 5: சன்னி நூல்

Titles in original script: நூல் 1: நூல் தொகுப்பு நூல் 2: குட்ட நிதானம் நூல் 3: தலைப்பு இல்லை (மருந்து செய்முறைகள்) நூல் 4: சன்னி நிதானம் நூல் 5: சன்னி நூல்; The manuscript is composed of five texts dealing with medicine. Its state is excellent, slightly affected by fungus. Text 1- The text, incomplete, is made of 5 palm leaves numbered from 1 to 6; the leaf numbered 4 is missing. The text describes the methods, drawing from texts which are mentioned, to diagnose diseases. Text 2- The text contains 19 palm leaves; it is complete. It refers to skin diseases (kuṭṭam) which are described with their appropriate remedies. The types of kuṭṭam mentioned in this text are: kapāla kuṭṭam, kiṭipa kuṭtam, catāru kuṭtam, karuka kuṭṭam, parama kuṭṭam and kākanti kuṭṭam. Text 3- The text is constituted of 3 palm leaves numbered from 1 to 3. The first leaf concerns the cat. The two others explain the preparation of Pirammi lēkiyam, Aṭaikāmaṇiyaṉ tailam and Uḷḷi tailam, as well as a medicine for a condition similar to purpura (ratta pittam). Text 4- The text, named Caṉṉi Nūl, contains 17 palm leaves numbered from 6 to 22. It is complete. It describes the types of delirium (caṉṉi) and provides the medicinal formulations to treat them. The types of caṉṉi which are mentioned are: kaṇṭa caṉṉi, karṇika caṉṉi, ciṅkuvai caṉṉi, cītāṅka caṉṉi, antaka caṉṉi, ruttira caṉṉi, pukṉanēttira caṉṉi, rattāṭippa caṉṉi, piṟalāpa caṉṉi and avaṉiyāca caṉṉi. Text 5- The text, composed of 5 palm leaves, is incomplete. It concerns a specific type of delirium called cittavippiramma caṉṉi. Size of the manuscript 42,3cm x 2,7cm. The palm leaves are numbered in Arabic from 1 to 6 (Text1); 7 to 20 (Text 2); 21 to 23 (Text 3); 1 to 22 (Text 4); and 1 to 3 (Text 5). A blank leaf is placed at the beginning. The manuscript is in excellent condition, slightly affected by fungus.