நூல் 1: அகத்தியர்-150; நூல் 2: நாடி நிலை; நூல் 3: சுர நூல்; நூல் 4: சன்னி நூல்; நூல் 5: வாத நிதானம்; நூல் 6: மருந்து செய்முறைகள்

Titles in original script: நூல் 1: அகத்தியர்-150 நூல் 2: நாடி நிலை நூல் 3: சுர நூல் நூல் 4: சன்னி நூல் நூல் 5: வாத நிதானம் நூல் 6: மருந்து செய்முறைகள்; The manuscript is composed of five texts, all dealing with medicinal topic. It contains 132 palm leaves. It is in good condition; some holes made by larvae are from place to place. Text 1 - The text numbered from 1 to 29 possesses only 21 palm leaves. It describes medicinal formulations of medicine, notably: Ulōka paṟpam and Taṅka paṟpam; Ulōka centūram, Kānta centūram, Kārīya centūram, Tāmpira centūram and Veḷḷi centūram; Aṣṭa vakai; Cēntura māttirai; Kaṭukāy lēkiyam, Nellikkāy lēkiyam, Tānṟikkāy lēkiyam, Miḷaku lēkiyam, Tipilli lēkiyam, Veḷḷuḷḷi lēkiyam, Kaṭuku lēkiyam, Ventaya lēkiyam, Oma lēkiyam and Peruṅkāya lēkiyam. Additionally, the text provides information on dietary regimen (pattiya vakai) and on adjuvant for increasing the potency of remedies (aṉupāṉam), as well as on some book related to the siddha medical knowledge. Text 2- The text contains 43 palm leaves numbered from 1 to 43; it is incomplete. It describes the three pulses (vāta, pitta, cettuma nāṭi) provides information for the practice of pulse reading: the different states of pulse (nāṭi nilai), notably that of the ten types of pulse (taca nāṭi nilai), the state of pulse from the sunrise (utayam mutal naṭi naṭai), and the state of pulse in case of disease (viyāti varum nāṭi nilai) such as fever caused by pitta (pitta curam), fevers (cura nōykaḷ) and fatal fevers (acāttiya curam), delirium (caṉṉi) and dysentery (aticāram). The text approaches various topics, among them state of five gross elements (pañca pūtaṅkaḷ), the state of ten types of gases in the body (taca vāyu nilai), the diseases caused by karma inherited from the previous lives (karma noykaḷ). Lastly, it explains the ideal qualities of the siddha practitioner (vaittiya kuṇam). Text 3- The text consists of 10 palm leaves numbered from 44 to 54; it is incomplete. This text deals with types of fever whose this part of the text describes specifically: vāta curam, pitta curam, cileṟpaṉa curam, tōca curam, asti curam, aticāra curam, pūta curam, cīta curam and caṉṉi pāta curam. Text 4- The text consists of 9 palm leaves numbered from 55 to 64; it is incomplete. This text describes the types of delirium (caṉṉi), among them cantika caṉṉi, tāntirika caṉṉi, karṇika caṉṉi, ruttirāṅka caṉṉi, antaka caṉṉi, viṣa caṉṉi and cītāṅka caṉṉi. Text 5- This text consists of 24 palm leaves numbered from 65 to 89; it is complete. It describes the types of vāta diseases, namely: karatampa vātam, pūcu vātam, kālāñca vātam, narittalai vātam, kūṉi vātam, cevi vātam, pakka vātam, pucu vātam, kāri vātam, acāttiya vātam, taṇu vātam, kuṭal vātam and kapāla vātam. Text 6- This text consists of 18 palm leaves numbered from 90 to 108; it is complete. This text deals with formulation of medicines and describes some medicines recommended for treating diseases such as external ulcers (piḷavai), ascites (makōtaram), venereal diseases (piṟa mēkam), urinary fistula (pavutiram) and urinary tract infections (mēkam), as well as nīrāmpal, a disease not identified. Size of the manuscript 31,1cm x 3,7cm. The manuscript is lightly damaged by larvae from place to place; some leaves are partly broken. The text 1 is numbered in Tamil and in Arabic from 1 to 29, the leaves 1 to 10 are missing. The text 2 is numbered in Tamil and in Arabic from 1 to 43; it is incomplete. The text 3 is numbered in Tamil and in Arabic from 44 to 54; it is incomplete. The text 4 is numbered in Tamil and in Arabic from 55 to 64; it is incomplete. The text 5 is numbered in Tamil and in Arabic from 65 to 89; it is complete. Lastly, the text 6 is numbered in Tamil and in Arabic from 90 to 108; it is also complete.