Provincial Government: Correspondence with the Chief of Police, 1885

The book contains correspondence from the year 1885 referring to: Lyceu Parahibano's restoration, involving its separation from the Board of Directors ("Diretoria") and its transfer to the same building as the Teaching School ("Escola Normal"); History Professor at Lyceu Parahibano, Dr. Ernesto Augusto da Silva Reis's appointment to the post of Director of Primary Public Instruction ("Diretor Geral da Instrução Pública Primária"); appointment of Professor Thomas de Aquino to the post of Dean at Lyceu Parahibano; exoneration of Vila de Alagoa Grande's Primary Public Instruction Commissioner ("Comissário da Instrução Pública Primária") Dionízio Eugênio Freire de Almeida and appointment of Dr. Luiz de Sá Lima to replace him; transfer of prisoners to the village of São Miguel in the parish of Cabaceira; escort for prisoners; approval of a proposition to open posts in the Seventeenth Infantry Battalion of the National Guard. Signed by Secretary Felinto Joaquim da Costa Guedes.

Created by the Provincial Government of Paraíba.

Extent and format of original material: 1 volume of 224 folios, in addition to front and back cover. Manusrcript book with non-original hardcover. Damaged by insects and iron gall ink.

Creator (Author): Felinto Joaquim da Costa Guedes, secretário.