Governmental Correspondence, June-December, 1880

The book contains records of the Government's correspondence in 1880. Topics treated in the letters include: appearance of steamboat's commander in front of the Treasury; Dispatch of steamboats Pirapama, Pernambuco, Ceará, Bahia Espírito Santo, and Jaguaribe from ports in the capital to ports in the north and south; tickets for travel on the boat bow (passagem de proa) for privates Severiano Joaquim de Souza and Joaquim José Lopes Soares from Recife to Rio Grande do Norte, escorting prisoners of justice; tickets for travel on the boat bow (passagem de proa) for prisoner Antonio José Bonifácio, a.k.a. Antonio Flor, from Nova Cruz to Rio Grande do Norte, escorted by privates. Signed by Antonio Alfredo da Gama e Mello (Secretary), José Bezerra Costa de Menezes (Secretary).

Created by the Provincial Government of Paraíba.

Extent and format of original material: 1 volume of 172 folios, in addition to front and back cover. Manuscript book with non-original cover. Damaged by insects, iron gall ink, and acid paper. Some folios are torn.

Creator (Author): Antonio Alfredo da Gama e Mello (Secretário), José Bezerra Costa de Menezes (Secretário).