Collection of Provincial Legislation from Parahyba do Norte, 1862

Printed volume. The volume contains the Collection of Provincial Laws of the Province of Parahyba do Norte (laws numbered 47 through 81) passed during the legislative session of 1862. Records authorization for the conclusion of construction of a road linking the Villa de Cabaceiras to São João; deannexation of the Villa do Teixeira from the district (comarca) of São João to Pombal; approval of the pledge of the Irmandade de Nossa Senhora da Conceição of the Villa do Ingá; authorization of construction of a carriageway (estrada de rodagem) linking the city of Mamanguape to the town of Independência; elecation to city status of the town of Pombal; approval of the pledge of the Irmandade de São Frei Pedro Gonçalves, in the Capella da Invocação of São Frei Pedro Gonçalves; prohibition of the entry of minors and slaves in public gambling houses; and other matters. Signed by Francisco de Araujo Lima, President of the Province of Parahyba do Norte.

Extent and format of original material: 1 volume of 54 folios, numbered through page 105. Contains staples.

Creator (Author): Paraíba's Government.