Provincial Legislation and State Constitution

The series contains provincial laws enacted in Paraíba do Norte between 1838 and 1888 as well as a copy of the state constitution of 1892. Records laws delimiting the boundaries of the parish (freguesia) of São Miguel da Bahia da Traição; creating the village of Ingá; approving the compromisso of the brotherhood (Irmandade) das Almas, the Irmandade do Santíssimo Sacramento in the central church (Matriz) of Villa de Patos, the Irmandade de Nossa Senhora do Socorro dos Homens Pardos, in the parish of Santa Rita, the Irmandade de Nossa Senhora do Rosário, in the city of Pombal, and various other irmandades; moving the outskirts of Vila do Imperador to the parish of Nossa Senhora da Conceição; provincial revenues and expenditures; primary school education; the Hospital da Santa Casa de Misericórdia; creation of a distito de paz in the village of Alagoa do Monteira, parish of São João do Cariri; prohibiting the entry of minors (filhos-família) and slaves in public gambling houses Signed by the following presidents of the province: Joaquim Teixeira Peixoto D’Albuquerque, Capitão-Mor Francisco Xavier Monteiro da Franca, Pedro Rodrigues Fernandes Chaves, Agostinho da Silva Neves, João Antonio de Vasconcelos, Coronel José Vicente de Amorim Beserra, João Capistrano Bandeira de Mello, Henrique de Beaurepaire Rohan, Luiz Antonio da Silva Nunes, Francisco de Araujo Lima, João José Innocencio Poggi, Venancio José de Oliveira Lisboa, Antonio Sabino do Monte, and Pedro Francisco Correa de Oliveira.

Documents in book format, both printed and manuscript. Conservation state varies from regular to severely damaged. Some volumes are missing folios, some contain staples on the cover, some lack backcover, some are damaged by insects, some contain tape, some are torn and stained.

Creator (Author): Paraíba's Government.