Collection of Provincial Legislation from Parahyba do Norte, 1863

Printed volume. The volume contains the Collection of Provincial Laws of the Province of Parahyba do Norte (laws numbered 82 through 122) passed during the legislative session of 1863. Records the elevation of the settlement of Cajazeiras in the city of Souza, to town status, to be named Vila de Cajazeiras; designation of the Capella de Nossa Senhora do Rosário in the settlement of São João, in the municipality of the city of Souza, as central church (matriz); approval of the pledge of the Irmandade de Nossa Senhora do Socorro dos Homens Pardos, in the chapel of Nossa Senhora do Socorro; admission to the brotherhood of Nossa Senhora do Socorro dos Homens Pardos of ingênuos, freed slaves, and slaves, given that slaves present a written permission from their owners; approval of the pledge of the Irmandade do Santíssimo Sacramento, in the Matriz de Nossa Senhora do Pilar; approval of the pledge of Nosso Senhor dos Martírios, in the Freguesia de Nossa Senhora das Neves, in the city of Paraíba; admission to the Irmandade do Senhor Bom Jesus dos Martírios of free individuals of black or brown skin color (pessoas de cor preta ou parda) once they professed the state religion; and other matters. Signed by Francisco de Araujo Lima, President of the Province of Parahyba do Norte.

Extent and format of original material: 1 volume of 57 folios, in addition to front and back covers. Contains staples and tears to original hardcover.

Creator (Author): Paraíba's Government.