Colonial Documents, 1821-1823 (CDCIR A3G4P5)

Loose manuscript documents dating from 1814 to 1824. Includes the bill of sale of a female slave; petition (requerimento) of Miguel Joaquim José Ramos, cirugião-mor of the army of the town of Maceió, requresting payment for his services; representation (representação) of the municipal council (câmara) of Vila Real de São João, directed to the president and members of the provincial council (Junta Provincial) of Paraíba, regarding the jurisdiction of the town and elections; and other documents from the municipal council (câmara) of Mamanguape and the district of Pombal.

Extent and format of original material: 1 volume of 78 folios, in addition to front cover. Damaged by iron gall ink and water; torn folios.

Creator (Author): Councils (Câmaras) of São João, Mamanguape, and Pombal; Miguel Joaquim José Ramos.