Colonial Documents, 1781-1783 (CDCIR A3G4P2)

Manuscript volume. The codice contains registers of land grants (sesmarias), homilies, offices and letters dating from 1781 to 1801. The sesmarias were granted between 1781 and 1783 to Serafim de Souza Marques, lieutenant coronel Mathias da Gama Cabral e Vasconcellos, capitão mor Francisco de Arruda Câmara, ensign (alferes) Nicolao Rodrigues dos Santos, Maria das Neves, and others by governor Jerônimo José de Mello e Castro; land conferred includes Brejos de Areia and the Riacho das Bananeiras, the hinterland (sertão) of Ribeira do Curimataú, land at the head of the Rio do Cipó, in the Ribeira dos Piranhas, in the Ribeira do Piancó, in the Poço do Cavalo, in the Ribeira do Rio do Peixe and other locations. The codice also contains an official letter (oficio) from Jeronimo Joze de Mello e Castro, capitao mor of Paraíba, to Martinho de Mello e Castro regarding the death of King D. Pedro III of Portugal (1787); a funeral oration for the king of Portugal, D. Pedro III, celebrated in the central church (Matriz) of the city of Paraíba on 12 October 1786; letter patent conceded by Prince Regent D. João to Lourenço Martins dos Santos for the post of captain of the Primeiro Companhia de Fuzileiros of the city of Paraíba, Regimento de Milícias de Homens Brancos (1801).

Extent and format of original material: 1 volume of 52 folios, in addition to front and back covers. State of conservation of this colume is very bad; only a few folios survived, along with some loose original documents.

Creator (Author): Paraíba's governor Jerônimo José de Mello e Castro; King D. João (Portugal).